Epichem - Winners Workplace Presentation
On 18 January 2011, staff at Epichem, winners of the Small Business Award at the 48th Australian Export Awards in 2010, gathered to participate in the Export Awards Workplace Presentation, where they were presented with their Certificate by the Federal Member for Tangney, Dr Dennis Jenson MP.
Epichem were first time applicants in the Western Australian Export and Industry Awards program, winning at the State level and then automatically progressing as a first time National Finalist in the Australian Export Awards. On 1 December 2010 at the National Awards Ceremony in Sydney, Epichem won their first Australian Export Award in the Small Business Award category. This Workplace Presentation was an opportunity for all staff to share in this milestone of winning such a prestigious award.

L-R Dr Wayne Best, Managing Director, Epichem, Dianne May, State Manager, AusIndustry, Steve Rank, State Manager, Austrade, Prof Lyn Beazley AO, Chief Scientist of Western Australia and Dr Dennis Jensen MP, Federal Member for Tangney. |
Presenting the Winner’s Certificate to Epichem's Managing Director, Dr Wayne Best, Dr Dennis Jensen said Epichem had won the national award against seven other outstanding companies in this award category and achieved its win due to its clear international marketing strategy, the strength of its relationships with research institutes and international drug companies.
Professor Lyn Beazley AO, Chief Scientist of Western Australia, also attended and congratulated all the staff at Epichem on their outstanding achievements. A representative from the Australian Export Awards sponsors in the Small Business Award category,Ms Dianne May, State Manager, AusIndustry, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, and Mr Steve Rank, State Manager, Austrade Perth also attended, which included a tour of the laboratory with some light refreshments at the conclusion of formalaties.
Epichem‟s slogan, "Molecules Made to Order", broadly describes how it uses synthetic and medicinal chemistry expertise to deliver tailor-made products and services for customers, and generate valuable intellectual property (IP). Inventing these previously unknown compounds for the first time on an exclusive basis means the company also generates valuable IP for its clients. Epichem has recently been engaged by a Swiss organisation to join in a major global initiative to find a cure for Chagas disease, a neglected parasitic disease affecting approximately 10 million people.
There were three National Award winners from Western Australia this year and these three companies last year alone generated almost A$600 million in export earnings and employed more than 25,000 people.